Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Web + The Future = The Ultimate Advertising Solution

LocalAdLink - Igniting a Local Economy

by Uniting Local Businesses
with Local Customers

Welcome to the new age of Web Advertising, the new and most cost effective way to get your business in from of your local customers. Rather than having to rely on others to put together your ads and having to stay with something that may not be working or becomes outdated, you have the power to change your ads. Let's look at what your options were before LocalAdLink.

Print Advertising
is becoming more and more obsolete with the popularity of the web. With a lack of flexibility, once the ad is done, it's done...for a week, a month, or even a year. If there are any irregularities or the ad is not working (i.e. one client had put emphasis on a product that looked good until the market for that product failed in the local area and lost all that advertising money for a whole year on a dead horse campaign). If they make a mistake in the print ad, sure they may comp you for it, but does that really offset the potential loss of income from an incorrect phone number/address, or a coupon for the wrong product, or an incorrect price?

Radio Advertising at one time was a great solution, especially when commute distances have increased and the traffic, which sometimes turns freeways into parking lots gave you captive audiences for longer time periods. With this you can run more ads in a given period to keep your name pumped through the radio more than one time...after all repetition sells. However, new cars are including XM or Sirius Satellite Radio and with the more diverse genres of music being added to their systems, subscriptions to XM and Sirius are on the rise. What is their number one selling point? The music you want without the advertising you don't want. Their clients pay the costs through subscribing to XM and the Sirius Satellite Network thereby eliminating the need for advertisers. Most of these stations are automated which keeps costs down, making advertising unnecessary. Again with radio flexibility and cost become factors.

Television Advertising is probably the most expensive be it local or cable. Again flexibility is an issue...however you can do advertising campaigns of more than one ad. TiVo has been a great hit and is sometimes offered free to new subscribers. What is the allure of TiVo? You can not only digitally record programs, events, or movies, but they openly tell you how easy it is to fast forward through the commercials. They let the audience know how this will not only save them viewing time, but that they won't be "bothered" by the commercials. And before there was TiVo, the commercials were the time to run to the restroom or run to the kitchen to prepare a snack while waiting for the show to come back on. I know this to be true, because I save what I need to do during a show to be done during the commercial breaks.

Remnant Rates can save you as much as two thirds the cost of advertising in the above areas. However, your control over your advertising is even less. They will run your ad only if there is an open space where they were unable to sell the ad. You could get a great spot or be buried in the quagmire on some remote page or space. It is similar to flying stand-by on an airplane, where you sit in the airport until a seat becomes available. A red-eye flight might be the same as having your ad buried in print or run on radio or television after the midnight hour when all your customers are asleep.

Pay Per Click was one of the first solutions to maximize advertising costs on the web and place your ad in power positions on the search pages. If one of your competitors wanted to get back at you, they would just sit back and hit your pay per click option driving your costs through the roof. Even in the best case scenario, you'll have a certain amount of expense to customers who click, but go somewhere else to do business. LocalAdLink charges a flat rate, eliminating the Pay Per Click option and still giving you a great web presence.

LocalAdLink is a powerful new tool for the local business community. Who controls your advertising on LocalAdLink? You, the business owner, controls your advertising. You have no worry about advertising errors...we set you up with your own account, no need to contact an account executive to make changes or handle your account. From changing zip codes to maximize your impact (sorting out those that work and don't work) to unlimited pictures, videos, and coupons (offered on the Standard and Premium Packages only) you are in control. We can link your website, let them bookmark your listing, and find you through our driving direction link, so local people can find you. As both a rep and user of LocalAdLink, I have used the LocalAdLink page to find both the local businesses in my area and and the local ones to places I am traveling to.

LocalAdLink hits the web by using 190 search engines and social networks to get your business out to your local community. We do this with our Geo Targeted Software and Push Technology to keep you before the web-searching eyes of your customers and potential customers.

Printed Ads - newspaper, yellow pages and other print sources (i.e. Penny Saver, Free Classified, and Auto Trader) have been losing popularity due to a variety of factors.

Newspaper readership is down and some of the local newspapers are offering teaser prices to gain subscriptions and placing people at store fronts to gain a readership market. What is interesting is that there is a growing number of people reading the newspaper on the web. This is because you have the convienence of reading what you want, when you want and there are no papers to discard, let alone dealing with wet papers, or having the paper thrown under your car, or not delivered at all.

Yellow pages is dropping off due to a variety of factors: incorrect numbers and addresses, or leaving businesses out altogether (I have personally dealt with all three of these issues when searching for businesses). Due to these factors, the yellow pages has lost the integrity it once had. In searching for businesses to share LocalAdLink with yellowpages.com has given me more than its share of incorrect phone numbers, and business information that needs to be updated (one potential client told me the phone number has been wrong for more than 5 years). I have tried to talk to them about the problems and their customer service people weren't customer service oriented...as was my experience.

The other publications, such as the Classifieds and the Penny Saver, people might look through if they are looking for something in particular, but you don't always find what you are looking for with these advertisers, whether in their print publications or on their web sites. So what most people (63% was the last number) do, is get on the web and google search for either businesses or items/products. This is where our software helps you, the local business owner, connect with the buying public.

Print, Radio, and Television ads can become very pricey, costing you thousands and quite possibly tens of thousands of dollars. What will be the return on your investment? We have three simple packages: Basic, Standard, and Premium.
Basic Package - $49.95 / month
Business Listing on LocalAdLink.com
• Business Details.
• Web site Link.
• "Featured Business" status (listing featured higher up in the search results and rotated in our "Spotlight Business").
• Ability to upload 1 image/logo
• Target 3 zip codes.
• Add 2 search terms.
• Your listing pushed out to the web & displayed on the biggest web sites, search engines, and social networks of the internet. (ads only display to people in the 3 zip codes you choose).
Standard Package - $99.95 / month
Business Listing on LocalAdLink.com
• Business Details.
• Web site Link.
• "Featured Business" status (listing featured above the Basic packages in the search results and rotated in our "Spotlight Business").
• Ability to upload multiple photos to gallery.
• Target 10 zip codes.
• Add 2 search terms.
• Ability to create or upload coupons.
• Ability to upload and show videos.
• Your listing pushed out to the web & displayed on the biggest web sites, search engines, and social networks of the internet. (ads only display to people in the 10 zip codes you choose).
Premium Package - $199.95 / month
Business Listing on LocalAdLink.com
• Business Details
• Web site Link
• "Featured Business" status (listing featured above the Basic & Standard packages in the search results and rotated in our "Spotlight Business")
• Ability to upload multiple photos to gallery.
• Target 50 zip codes
• Add 3 search terms
• Ability to create or upload coupons
• Ability to upload and show videos
• Business Tag line stands out in RED LETTERING
• Your listing pushed out to the web & displayed on the biggest web sites, search engines, and social networks of the internet. (ads only display to people in the 50 zip codes you choose)
You can either go with the monthly prices listed above or take advantage of discounts for longer commitments: 5% discount for 3 months, 10% discount for 6 months, or 15% discount for 12 months.

I call this a U-centered EWebSolution. Let us work together for your success. Please click on the buttons to gain access to everything from videos and print for further information. We also have a short video of current customer testimonials.